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 Ozonschicht am Weg zur Erholung infographic
Grafik zeigt den bemerkenswerten Rückgang von Chlorfluorkohlenwasserstoff (CFC) Emissionen.


Ozonschicht könnte in wenigen Jahrzehnten wiederhergestellt sein

By Ninian Carter

January 10, 2023 - Der Erfolg der Vereinbarung von 1987 zum Stop der Verwendung von Chemikalien, die die Ozonschicht schädigen, bedeutet, dass sich die Ozonschicht in wenigen Jahrzehnten erholen wird.

Restoration of the ozone layer is back on track after China largely eliminated emissions of the chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11).

A gaping hole in the ozone layer was discovered by scientists in 1985. Two years later, the Montreal Protocol was signed by 46 countries, promising to phase out harmful chemicals blamed for eating away at the ozone layer.

If current policies are adhered to, the ozone layer will be restored to pre-ozone hole values at different times:

2040: Globally, excluding Arctic and Antarctic
2045: Arctic Circle
2066: Antarctic

It should be noted that although the depletion of the ozone is harmful – allows more ultraviolet radiation from the sun to reach the ground – it is not a major contributor to climate change.

PUBLISHED: 10/01/2023; STORY: Graphic News