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 Europa bricht Wintertemperatur Rekorde infographic
Grafik zeigt die rekord-brechenden Temperaturen über ganz Europa.


Winter Temperaturrekorde werden in ganz Europa gebrochen

January 4, 2023 - Temperaturen im Januar erreichen ein Allzeit-Hoch in Ländern in ganz Europa. Nationalrekorde sind in acht Ländern gebrochen worden – und regionale Rekorde in weiteren drei.

Temperatures in the Netherlands, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark and Belarus broke national records.

Station records were broken in Germany, France and Ukraine.

The temperature recorded in Warsaw on 1 January was 4C higher than the previous record for the month, and Belarus' record high was 16.4C, some 4.5C above the previous record.

In Spain, New Year's Day temperatures in Bilbao were equivalent to the average in July, and parts of Catalonia including Barcelona are subject to restrictions on water use, the BBC said.

PUBLISHED: 04/01/2023; STORY: Graphic News