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 Situationsbericht Tag 303 infographic
Grafik zeigt den Lagebericht für Tag 303 der russischen Invasion der Ukraine.


Russische Invasion: Situationsbericht Tag 303

By Phil Bainbridge

December 23, 2022 - Nordkorea, dem die Lieferung von Raketen und Lenkflugkörpern an die russische, private militärische Wagner Gruppe vorgeworfen wird, leugnet die Lieferung von Waffen nach Russland und behauptet die Anschuldigungen wären "grundlos".

The International Atomic Energy Agency director general Rafael Grossi held talks with Russian Rosatom officials on the creation of security zone at Zaporizhya Nuclear Power Plant to prevent a nuclear accident, although critics say Russia is using the talks as a means to establish de facto recognition of Russian annexation of Zaporizhya Oblast.

Russia has demolished half of the Mariupol’s Drama Theatre, once a cultural centre and the main bomb shelter during the siege of the city, until it was hit by a twin airstrike in July.

PUBLISHED: 23/12/2022; STORY: Graphic News