Who’s who in Israel’s neuer Regierung infographic
Grafik mit Hauptfiguren in Netanjahus neuer Regierung.


Netanjahu bildet eine rechtsextrem-religiöses Regierung

By Jordi Bou

December 22, 2022 - Benjamin Netanjahu sagt, er hätte eine hardline religiöse und rechts-extreme Regierung ausgesucht, die ihn zurück an die Macht als Chef der rechts-extremsten Koalition in der Geschichte Israels führen wird.

Secular and liberal Israelis are horrified by the anti-Arab, homophobic and sexist rhetoric of some of the people appointed to ministerial positions, as well as plans to dismantle judicial checks and balances.

They fear this government could have far-reaching implications for Israel’s democratic institutions; for its civil society; and for Palestinians – in Israel and in the Palestinian territories that Israel has occupied since 1967.

Netanyahu has accused critics of fearmongering and has vowed to preserve the status quo.

PUBLISHED: 22/12/2022; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images, Newscom