Geplante Ereignisse von Weltinteresse im Dezember
December 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022 - Jedes Monat veröffentlicht Graphic News eine World Agenda, mit geplanten Events von allgemeinem Interesse: Unter anderen -- Einführung einer Preisobergrenze für russische Ölexporte, ein House Komitee will nochmals den Sturm auf das Kapitol im Jan 2021 untersuchen, ein ganz neuer Stealth Bomber für die US Air Force und Versteigerung eines Dinosauerierschädels ....
December, Space: The Shenzhou 14 crew heads home, leaving the newly completed Tiangong space station to the crew of Shenzhou 15. The first such handover while in orbit marked the start of China’s permanent space presence.
December 1, Italy: UNESCO expects an update on measures to protect Venice from excessive tourism and other issues, to avoid joining a list of World Heritage Sites in danger. A bid to charge day-trippers a “tourist tax” of up to €10 from Jan 2023 has been delayed for at least 6 months.
December 1, United States: A House of Representatives committee aims to release its report probing the Jan 2021 assault on the Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump. The committee is likely to be wound up in January when a new Republican-controlled Congress is sworn in.
December 2, United States: The U.S. Air Force will unveil its next-generation stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider. The Pentagon plans to buy at least 100 of the $639m nuclear-capable planes, which will eventually replace the ageing B-2 Spirit.
Dec 5, Brussels: The EU plans to slap an embargo on most seaborne Russian crude, on the day the G7 introduces a price cap on all Russia’s oil exports. Both measures aim to hobble the country’s economy and limit its ability to wage war in Ukraine.
December 9, United States: A 76 million-year-old Tyrannosaurus rex skull, nicknamed Maximus, is expected to sell for $15-20m at auction in New York.
December 16, United States: Avatar: The Way of Water, hits cinema screens. With a reported budget of $250m, it is one of the most expensive films ever made. The 2009 original Avatar remains the highest-grossing movie in history, banking $2.92bn.
December 25, Ukraine: Following Russia’s invasion, the Orthodox church of Ukraine will allow worshippers to celebrate Christmas on December 25, rather than the traditional date of January 7, in a move away from Russia and towards the west.