Extremes Wetter in 2022 infographic
Grafik zeigt eine Auswahl extremer Wetterereignisse in 2022.


Die extremsten Wetterereignisse in 2022

November 22, 2022 - Extreme Hitzewellen, Dürre und verheerende Überschwemmungen haben 2022 Millionen Menschen betroffen und verursachten Schaden in Milliardenhöhe, laut Bericht der Vereinten Nationen.

The UN World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) outlines the increasingly dramatic signs of the climate emergency in its provisional 2022 State of the Global Climate report.

In East Africa, millions of people are facing acute food insecurity due to the longest drought in 40 years.

Record breaking rain in July and August led to extensive flooding in Pakistan, affecting 33 million people and causing at least 1,700 deaths.

The southern Africa region was battered by a series of cyclones over two months at the start of the year, hitting Madagascar hardest with torrential rain and devastating floods. Hurricane Ian caused extensive damage and loss of life in Cuba and Florida in September.

Large parts of the northern hemisphere were exceptionally hot and dry. China had the most extensive and long-lasting heatwave since national records began and the second-driest summer on record.

Europe sweltered in repeated episodes of extreme heat. The United Kingdom saw a new national record on 19 July, when the temperature topped more than 40°C for the first time. This was accompanied by a persistent and damaging drought and wildfires, the WMO said.

PUBLISHED: 14/12/2022; STORY: Graphic News