Deutschlands schwimmende LNG Terminals infographic
Grafik zeigt Deutschlands LNG Import Pläne.


Deutschland beendet Bau des ersten schwimmenden LNG Terminals

November 16, 2022 - Deutschland hat die Fertigstellung des ersten von fünf schwimmenden Terminals für Flüssigerdgas (LNG) gemeldet. Ein erster Schritt um Lieferung von russischem Pipelinegas zu ersetzen.

The site in the North Sea port of Wilhelmshaven was one of two that the German government announced shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine in February. Germany until now has had no LNG terminals, according to AP.

The terminal will allow the docking of floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) – ships that will allow the conversion of LNG back into gas form and then deliver it to Germany’s gas network.

Five such terminals are planned in total, with the first two sites set to be operational in early 2023. A sixth privately chartered and operated FSRU is expected to be ready by the end of 2022, Reuters said.

PUBLISHED: 17/11/2022; STORY: Graphic News