China schiesst Raketen über Taiwan  infographic
Grafik zeigt die Flugroute der chinesischen Raketen sowie die Gebiete, wo die Manöver abgehalten werden.


China lässt Raketen über Taiwan fliegen

By Jordi Bou

August 5, 2022 - Beijing feuerte einige ballistische Raketen in das Meer rund um Taiwan, Teil seiner bisher größten Militärmanöver in der Region, nach dem Besuch der Insel von US House Sprecherin Nancy Pelosi .

The missiles fired by the PLA’s Rocket Force are reportedly the DF-15B versions of China’s Dongfeng “East Wind” arsenal.

Although designed to carry conventional explosives, the DF-15B is probably capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

China's missile launches are causing disruption to shipping lanes and flights to and from Taiwan.

Ships have been forced to re-route, with days-long disruptions expected to have an impact on supply chains with delays to global shipping.

Some ballistic missiles fired by China appear to have landed in Japan’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), Japanese defence minister Nobuo Kishi said.

PUBLISHED: 05/08/2022; STORY: Graphic News