US versorgt Ukraine mit Flugabwehrsystem (1)

Grafik zeigt Details zum NASAMS Flugabwehrsystem.


US hat NASAMS Flugabwehrsystem an Ukraine geliefert (1)

By Jordi Bou

June 28, 2022 - Ukraines Präsident Selenskij hat die Lieferung eines NASAMS - Hochtechnologie Boden-Luft-Raketensystem – an die Ukraine bestätigt. Damit könnten große Städte wie Kiew vor Raketenbeschuss der Russen geschützt werden.

Designed and manufactured by the Norwegian company Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace in cooperation with U.S. firm Raytheon, NASAMS is used by the U.S. to protect the sensitive air space around the White House and Capitol in Washington DC.

A standard NASAMS unit has a modular design including a Fire Distribution Centre command post, an active 3D radar MPQ64F1 Sentinel, a passive electro-optic and infra-red sensor and a number of missile canister launchers with AMRAAM missiles. Normally, four NASAMS units are netted in a battalion network.

In a battalion configuration comprising of up to 12 launchers and up to 72 missiles loaded, all missiles can be fired against individual targets in less than 15 seconds.

PUBLISHED: 26/09/2022; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Kongsberg