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 Situationsbericht Tag 82 infographic
Grafik mit Situationsbericht am Tag 82 der russischen Invasion der Ukraine.


Ukraine war situation report – day 82

By Jordi Bou

May 16, 2022 - NATO Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg meint, der Krieg Russlands in der Ukraine gehe nicht nach Plan, und dass der Versuch die östliche Donbas Region zu erobern, "gestoppt" worden sei.

Speaking at a meeting of NATO foreign ministers, Stoltenberg also said that Ukraine could win the conflict.

The comments come as Britain's Ministry of Defence (MoD) estimates Russia has lost about a third of its ground combat force since the war began in February.

An Ukrainian counteroffensive continues to push Russian troops north from the city of Kharkiv, with the first Ukrainian battalion reportedly reaching the Russian border.

In a strategic blow for Russia, which has long opposed NATO expansion, Finland confirmed it would apply to join the Atlantic military alliance.

Sweden's ruling Social Democrats also backed NATO membership, paving the way for an application and abandoning decades of military nonalignment.

PUBLISHED: 16/05/2022; STORY: Graphic News