EU Abhängigkeit von russischem Gas infographic
Grafik zeigt Abhängigkeit der EU von russischem Erdgas.


EU warnt, Russlands Wunsch kann Bruch der Sanktionen bedeuten

April 29, 2022 -
Die Europäische Union hat europäische Käufer von russischem Gas gewarnt, dass es Bruch der Sanktionen gegen Russland bedeutet, wenn in Rubel bezahlt wird, auch wenn der Kreml die Bezahlung in Rubel verlangt.

The warning comes after several European companies indicated they would comply with a March 31 decree by President Vladimir Putin to introduce a two-tiered system for gas payments, according to The Financial Times.

This involves opening rouble and euro accounts at Gazprombank in Russia. Under existing payment arrangements, most European companies were paying in euros into Gazprombank’s Luxembourg-based accounts.

Companies and national energy regulators are now in the invidious position of breaching EU sanctions, or defying Moscow and having gas supplies possibly cut off. The EU gets about 40 percent of its gas from Russia and some countries are almost completely reliant, the FT said.

PUBLISHED: 29/04/2022; STORY: Graphic News