Wieder Gespräche über Wiederaufnahme Nuklearabkommen mit Iran  infographic
Grafik zeigt den Lagerstand an 20% angereichertem Uran im Iran.


Verhandlungen über Wiederaufnahme des Atomabkommens mit dem Iran

November 24, 2022 - Gespräche zwischen Iran und Weltmächten sollen das Abkommen von 2015 neu beleben, das Teheran im Gegenzug für eine Kürzung seines Atomprogramms die Aufhebung der Sanktionen versprochen hat. Die Verhandlungen sollen Montag beginnen.

The head of the UN nuclear watchdog warned Wednesday his inspectors are close to being unable to “guarantee” they know the size of Iran's stockpile of enriched uranium, a stark alarm after his trip to Tehran produced no results, AP said.

Rafael Mariano Grossi’s words sharply contrasted with the optimistic tone his Iranian hosts offered the day before. They signal the Islamic Republic's harder line as renewed talks over Tehran's tattered nuclear deal with world powers resume on Nov 29.

The International Atomic Energy Agency’s inspectors remain unable to access surveillance footage and face greater challenges in trying to monitor Tehran’s rapidly growing uranium stockpile, some of which is now enriched up to 60% purity – a short technical step from weapons-grade levels of 90%.

PUBLISHED: 25/11/2021; STORY: Graphic News