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 $100-Mrd gebrochenes Versprechen für das Klima infographic
Grafphic shows climate finance for developing countries and OECD projections.


$100-Milliarden Versprechen für das Klima gebrochen

By Duncan Mil

November 5, 2021 - Vor 12 Jahren haben entwickelte Länder versprochen, pro Jahr US$100 Milliarden für ärmere Länder bis 2020 zu spenden, damit diese sich an den Klimawandel anpassen können. Bislang haben die reichen Länder diese Erwartungen nicht erfüllt, wie eine Untersuchung der Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) ergeben hat.

Figures for 2020 are unavailable, and those who negotiated the pledge don’t agree on accounting methods. Still, a report last year for the UN by the Independent Expert Group on Climate Finance concluded that “the only realistic scenarios” showed the $100-billion target was out of reach. “We are not there yet,” conceded UN secretary-general António Guterres.

Pledges ahead of the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow, UK, have led to hopes that, by 2023, wealthy nations will manage to transfer $100 billion annually.

The OECD has assessed that wealthy nations contributed $79.5 billion in climate finance to developing countries in 2019, up from $78.3 billion in 2018. Although wealthy nations collectively agreed to the $100-billion goal, they made no formal deal on what each should pay.

An October report from the U.S.-based World Resources Institute calculated that the U.S. should contribute 40–47 per cent of the $100 billion. But its contribution from 2013 to 2018 was only around $8.9 billion, the WRI estimates.

U.S. President Joe Biden has promised $11.4 billion in annual financing by 2024, but much of that funding requires U.S. Congressional approval.

On the other hand, Japan, Germany and France have transferred more than their fair share -- $56.2 billion, $35.4 billion and $22.6 billion, respectively.

“It isn’t a great sign,” says Joe Thwaites, a climate finance specialist at the WRI.

PUBLISHED: 05/11/2021; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images