Sinkende Kosten für Erneuerbare Energie infographic
Grafik zeigt die fallenden Kosten für Elektrizität aus Solar und Windenergie.


Erneuerbare Energie hinter Kohle

By Duncan Mil

November 1, 2021 - Erneuerbare Energie, die 2020 in Betrieb gegangen ist – vor allem mit Solar Photovoltaik Paneelen – drückte die Stromkosten unter die Kosten für die billigste Quelle von fossilen Brennstoffen.

According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), costs continued to decline in 2020, with the cost of electricity from utility-scale solar photovoltaics (PVs) falling 7% year-on-year, offshore wind fell by 9%, onshore wind by 13% and that of concentrating solar power (CSP) by 16%.

The decade 2010 to 2020 saw a dramatic improvement in the competitiveness of solar and wind power technologies. Expressed in “levelized costs of energy” (LCOE), the price of power from solar PVs has plummeted by 85%. Concentrated solar power -- which uses mirrors to focus suns rays to create heat to generate electricity -- has fallen by 68.2%. In comparison, the cost of electricity from onshore and offshore wind has fallen by 56.2% and 48.1%, respectively.

An analysis by IRENA suggests that up to 800 gigawatts of existing coal-fired capacity could be economically replaced by new renewables capacity, saving the electricity system up to US$32 billion per year and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by up to three gigatonnes. Renewables could provide 20% of the emissions reduction needed by 2030 for the 1.5°C climate pathway agreed in the 2015 Paris Agreement treaty on climate change.

Low-cost renewables can provide a worldwide decarbonised electricity supply, replacing coal and oil as part of the energy future.

PUBLISHED: 01/11/2021; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images