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 Russische Gasspeicher Niveau infographic
Grafik zeigt den Lagerstand von Gas in ausgewählten Ländern in Europa.


Sorgen wegen russischer Gaslieferungen nach Europa

October 28, 2021 - Russlands Gazprom hat seine Speicher in Westeuropa bis auf ein ungewöhnlich niedriges Niveau vor dem Winter geleert, das führt zu Bedenken, dass Moskau die Verknappung von Gas ausnützen will, um den Preis auf Rekordniveau zu treiben.

While European storage levels are low, an analysis of European gas industry data shows the largest shortfalls are at sites owned or controlled by Gazprom, in what critics say increasingly points to an attempt to squeeze European energy supplies, according to the London-based Financial Times (FT) newspaper.

Figures from Gas Infrastructure Europe show that in countries where Gazprom does not own storage facilities, such as in France and Italy, the level of gas in storage has reached near-normal levels for this time of year, the FT said.

PUBLISHED: 28/10/2021; STORY: Graphic News