Hyperschall Raketentests infographic
Grafik zeigt Details des Fluges einer Hyperschallwaffe sowie Chinas DF-17 Hyperschallrakete .


China testeted zweimal Überschallwaffen

October 21, 2021 - China testete zweimal eine Hyperschallwaffe im Sommer, berichtete die Financial Times. Die Vereinigten Staaten zeigten sich alarmiert, Beijing könnte im Rennen um eine neue Generation von Waffen an Boden gewinnen.

Beijing launched a rocket that employed a “fractional orbital bombardment” system to propel a nuclear-capable “hypersonic glide vehicle” around the Earth for the first time on July 27, the London-based Financial Times reported on Thursday.

China conducted a second hypersonic test on August 13, the FT said.

The newspaper initially reported that the first test was done in August, instead of the end of July.

The latest report said that the missile test “stunned” American military and intelligence officials about the Chinese military advance.

It further said that U.S. scientists “were struggling to understand” the hypersonic weapon’s capability, “which the U.S. does not currently possess”.

PUBLISHED: 22/10/2021; STORY: Graphic News