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 Teenager beendet erfolgreiche Rekord-Weltumrundung (4) infographic
Grafik zeigt die Flugroute von Zara Rutherford rund um die Welt, mit Details zum Ultraleicht Shark UL Flugzeug.


Teenager beendet Solo-Weltumrundung in Leichtflugzeug (4)

By Phil Bainbridge

August 18, 2021 - November 11, 2021 - Der 19-jährige britische Teenager ist die jüngste Pilotin, die Solo 52.080,3km in ihrem Ultraleichtflugzeug rund um die Welt geflogen ist.

Zara Rutherford was flying clockwise around the world, crossing 41 countries and five continents, making two crossings of the Equator, to take in Colombia and Indonesia. The low weight of her Shark UL microlight plane means it will only require around 2,500 litres of fuel for the entire journey, less than a typical passenger jet uses in 10 minutes.

Despite flying from a young age and coming from a family of aviators, Rutherford only obtained her full flying license a year ago.

PUBLISHED: 20/01/2022; STORY: Graphic News