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 Irans Kharg Schiff  versunken infographic
Grafik zeigt Schifffahrts Vorfälle im Mittleren Osten in 2021.


Irans größtes Schiff der Marine versinkt nach Brand im Golf von Oman

June 2, 2021 - Das größte Schiff der iranischen Marine fing Feuer und versank am Mittwoch im Golf von Oman, die Ursache des Brandes ist unklar, wie halboffizielle Nachrichtenagenturen berichten.

The blaze began in the early hours of Wednesday and firefighters tried to contain it, but their efforts failed to save the 207m-long Kharg, which was used to resupply other ships in the fleet at sea and conduct training exercises, AP said.

The vessel sank off the Iranian port of Jask, on the Gulf of Oman near the Strait of Hormuz – the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf. Iranian officials offered no cause for the fire aboard the ship, though they said an investigation had begun.

The Kharg fire is the latest naval incident in waters near Iran, a region of sensitive shipping routes and simmering geopolitical tensions, the BBC said.

PUBLISHED: 02/06/2021; STORY: Graphic News