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 Besorgnis erregende Coronavirus Mutationen infographic
Grafik zeigt die Variationen von Covid-19, die für Probleme sorgen.


Coronavirus Mutationen bekommen neue Namen

June 1, 2021 - Coronavirus Mutationen erhielten von der Welt Gesundheits Organisation zum besserem Verständnis Buchstaben aus dem griechischen Alphabet. Diskussionen werden einfacher und Diskriminierung von Ländern wird vermieden.

The WHO revealed the new names on Monday amid criticism that those given by scientists to strains such as the South African variant – which goes by multiple names including B.1.351, 501Y.V2 and 20H/501Y.V2 – were too complicated, according to Reuters.

The WHO, which has urged people not to use language to advance Covid-19 profiling of people or nationalities, has also said people should avoid using country names in association with emerging variants.

The four coronavirus variants considered of concern by the UN agency and known generally by the public as the UK, South Africa, Brazil and India variants have now been assigned the Greek letters Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta, respectively, according to the order of their detection.

PUBLISHED: 01/06/2021; STORY: Graphic News