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 CO2 Emissionen werden 2021 infographic
Grafik zeigt energie-bezogene CO2 Emissionen und den jährlichen Wandel von 1990 bis 2020.


Kohlendioxid Anstieg im post-Covid Energieboom

By Jordi Bou

April 22, 2021 - US Präsident Biden veranstaltet einen virtuellen Klimagipfel mit rund 40
Staatschefs. Laut Prognose werden Kohlendioxid (CO2) Emissionen dieses Jahr den zweithöchsten Stand der letzten zehn Jahre erreichen, so die jüngsten Schätzungen der IEA.

The IEA’s Global Energy Review 2021 predicts carbon dioxide emissions would rise to 33 billion tonnes this year, up 1.5 billion tonnes from 2020 levels as global economies pour stimulus
cash into fossil fuels to aid recovery from the Covid-19 recession.

The leap will be second only to the massive rebound 10 years ago after the financial crisis, and will put climate hopes out of reach unless governments act quickly, the IEA has warned.

The use of coal in Asia is expected to be key: the IEA says it will push global demand up by 4.5%, taking it close to the global peak seen in 2014.

However, renewable energy is also booming, with green sources set to supply 30% of electricity this year.

PUBLISHED: 20/04/2021; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images