Chart der US Polizeigewalt
April 12, 2021 -
Die tödlichen Schüsse auf einen 20-Jahre alten Schwarzen durch einen Minneapolis Polizisten während einer Verkehrskontrolle sind das letzte Tötungsdelikt in einem Land, in dem täglich drei Zivilisten von Polizisten erschossen werden.
Relatives identified the man killed on Sunday (April 11) by police as Daunte Wright. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz said in a statement that he was monitoring the unrest as “our state mourns another life of a Black man taken by law enforcement.”
Black people are 3.5 times more likely than white people to be killed by police when Blacks are not attacking or do not have a weapon, according to Brookings, an American research group.
Black teenagers are 21 times more likely than white teenagers to be killed by police. A Black person is killed about every 40 hours in the United States.
In 2020, police killed 233 Black people -- 20.7 per cent of all police killings despite being only 13 per cent of the population.
In the first 90 days of this year, 268 civilians have been shot dead by law enforcement, 42 of whom were Black. By contrast, 96 police officers have died in the line of duty to the end of March.