Olympic Sport Climbing infographic
Grafik erklärt das Sportklettern, eine neue olympische Disziplin.

TOKYO 2020

Olympisches Sportklettern

By Ninian Carter

July 23, 2021 - August 8, 2021 - Die Olympischen Sommerspiele 2020, die Spiele der XXXII Olympiade, werden in Tokio abgehalten.

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games feature 339 events in 33 different sports, encompassing 50 disciplines.

Sport Climbing is making its Olympic debut, with athletes scaling devious wall courses, often times holding on by just their finger tips. Climbers will participate in three disciplines – Speed, Bouldering and Lead.

It is the second time that Japan, and specifically Tokyo, has hosted the Summer Olympic Games – the first being in 1964.

PUBLISHED: 29/03/2021; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Associated Press