Europäer empfinden AstraZeneca Vakzin als nicht sicher infographic
Graphic shows perception of safety of the Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca Covid vaccines in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, and the UK.


Vertrauen in AstraZenecas Covid Vakzin ist erschüttert

By Phil Bainbridge

March 22, 2021 - Das öffentliche Vertrauen in AstraZenecas Covid-19 Vakzin ist in vielen europäischen Ländern stark gefallen, das ist das Ergebnis einer Umfrage von YouGov UK. Berichte, dass durch die Impfung das Thromboserisiko ansteigen würde, erschütterten das Vertrauen der Bevölkerung in die Impfung.

The decision by more than a dozen countries to suspend use of the AstraZeneca vaccine has seriously damaged public perceptions of the vaccine’s safety in Europe.

A YouGov study in February showed that Europeans were already more wary of the AstraZeneca vaccine compared to the Pfizer and Moderna alternatives. Nevertheless, in all countries surveyed except for France, where vaccine scepticism is particularly high, more people considered the AZ vaccine to be safe than unsafe. Now however, in France, Germany, Spain and Italy – the four countries studied in both the February and March surveys – people are more likely to see the vaccine as unsafe than safe.

AstraZeneca reported Monday that its Covid-19 vaccine provided strong protection among all adults in a long-anticipated U.S. study, raising hopes that the findings could help rebuild public confidence in the beleaguered shot, and moving a step closer to clearance for American use.

PUBLISHED: 22/03/2021; STORY: Graphic News