Kosten für Anstiftung zum Aufstand infographic
Grafik zeigt die Kosten laut Aufstellung der Washington Post.


Die Kosten für Anstiftung zum Aufstand

By Duncan Mil

February 9, 2021 - Laut Recherchen der Washington Post, haben die Forderungen von Präsident Donald Trump, die zum tödlichen Aufruhr am Capitol führten, die US Steuerzahler über $500 Millionen für verstärkte Sicherheitsmassnahmen, Gebäudereparaturen und Rechtsanwälte gekostet.

More than $480 million of the total is attributable to the military’s estimated expenses for the troop deployment through mid-March. The financial impact of President Trump’s refusal to concede the election is probably much higher than the Post’s analysis thus far.

The 25,000 National Guard troops deployed to Washington, after the attempted insurrection that overwhelmed Capitol police and ended in five deaths, stayed in local D.C. hotels as well as sleeping in Congress.

The additional surge of 850 Washington Metropolitan police officers brings the troop and police costs to $488.8 million. And this excludes U.S. Park Police and U.S. Capitol Police.

State costs associated with January 6 and inauguration-related security reached at least $28.3 million. In California, state officials estimated they spent about $19 million from January 14 to 21 to protect the state Capitol in Sacramento and other locations.

According to federal campaign finance filings, Trump and his allies spent more than $11 million in futile legal cases on election-related legal challenges. State costs related to legal challenges and security for election officials reached at least $2.2 million.

The Post concludes that Trump’s alleged “incitement to insurrection” cost U.S. taxpayers $519.3 million.

PUBLISHED: 09/02/2021; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images