Weniger US Hass Gruppen infographic
Grafik zeigt die Zahl der aktiven Hassgruppen in den Vereinigten Staaten.


Weniger US Hassgruppen, sind auf Online Netzwerke ausgewichen

February 2, 2021 - Die Zahl der aktiven Hass-Gruppen ist 2020 bereits das zweite Jahr zurückgegangen, allerdings bleibt das Niveau an Hass bestehen, da die Extremisten auf Online Netzwerke ausgewichen sind, so das
Southern Poverty Law Centre.

In its annual report, released on Monday, the SPLC said that it identified 838 active hate groups last year – a decline of 11% from the previous year.

The non-profit civil rights advocacy group said many hate groups have moved to social media platforms and use of encrypted apps, while others have been banned altogether from mainstream social media networks.

White nationalist organisations, a subset of the hate groups listed in the report, declined last year from 155 to 128. Those groups had seen huge growth the previous two years after being energised by Donald Trump’s campaign and presidency, the report said.

PUBLISHED: 02/02/2021; STORY: Graphic News