Indiens Arighat Atom-Submarine infographic
Grafik zeigt Details der INS Arighat und Indiens Flotte von U-Booten.


Indiens Marine erhält zweites U-Boot mit Atom-Lenkraketen

January 4, 2021 - Für die indische Marine bedeutet es einen enormen Zugewinn mit dem Einsatz eines Atom-U-Boots. Die INS Arighat steht kurz vor letzten See-Tests und wird vermutlich Anfang 2021 in Dienst gestellt werden.

Arighat is the second of the indigenous Arihant-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile-carrying submarine (SSBN).

Sources in the defence and security establishment said the submarine has performed well during the sea trials so far, and added that the commissioning of the vessel was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to Indian online newspaper ThePrint.

Once Arighat enters service, India will be operating two SSBNs that are equipped with the 750km-range K-15 ballistic missile, designed for retaliatory strikes in case of a nuclear attack.

PUBLISHED: 04/01/2021; STORY: Graphic News