Israel vor vierter Wahl in zwei Jahren wegen Budgetkrise
December 23, 2020 -
Israels Koalitionsregierung bricht nach nur sieben Monaten auseinander, das bereits wahlmüde Land muss zur vierten Parlamentswahl in zwei Jahren. Die Wahl ist am 23. März, es gibt einen neuen Herausforderer.
Netanyahu, who is used to labelling his opponents as weak leftists, finds himself confronted by a trio of disgruntled former aides who share his hard-line ideology, led by a popular lawmaker who recently broke away from the prime minister’s Likud party.
Whether Netanyahu can fend off these challengers or not, the country is almost certain to be led by a right-wing politician opposed to concessions to the Palestinians, complicating hopes of the incoming Biden administration to restart peace talks.
The prospects of Israel’s centre-left bloc appear worse than in previous contests because its leader, Defence Minister Benny Gantz, entered into the ill-fated alliance with Netanyahu. Gantz has lost the support of much of his disappointed base, and the bloc has been left leaderless.