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 Rieseneisberg könnte im Naturschutzgebiet landen  infographic
Grafik zeigt den Kurs von Eisberg A-68A in Richtung der Insel Süd Georgien, wo er auf Grund laufen könnte.


Größter Eisberg der Welt auf Kollisionskurs mit Süd Georgien

By Ninian Carter

November 4, 2020 - Der größte Eisberg der Welt ist auf Kollisionskurs mit dem britischen Überseegebiet von Süd Georgien, er bedroht die Brutgebiete von Elefantenrobben, Pelzrobben und Königspinguinen.

Iceberg A-68A, which calved off the Larsen C Ice Shelf in 2017, has drifted 2,000 kilometres northeast and is now on a collision course with South Georgia Island, home to a delicate ecosystem that sustains seals, penguins and other rare birds.

The iceberg is the biggest in the world – roughly the same size as South Georgia Island (around 3,500 square kilometres) – and if it runs aground there, will disrupt breeding grounds by blocking normal foraging routes, preventing penguins and seals from feeding their young properly.

When the colossal A-38 iceberg grounded on the island in 2004, innumerable dead penguin chicks and seal pups were found on local beaches.

Additionally, all creatures living on the sea floor would be crushed where A-68A touches down - a disturbance that would take a very long time to reverse, especially as the iceberg could take 10 years to melt.

Satellite images suggest A-68A is on a direct path for South Georgia, but it could follow currents and loop around the south of the island, before spinning away to the northwest and eventually breaking up in warmer, more turbulent waters.

PUBLISHED: 05/11/2020; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Creative Commons