Joe Biden Profil (2) infographic
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Profil von Joe Biden

By Jordi Bou

January 20, 2021 - Der frühere demokratische Vizepräsident Joe Biden hat Donald Trump bei der US Präsidentschaftswahl geschlagen.Der designierte Präsident Joe Biden wird als 46. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten am 20. Januar 2021 angelobt.

From the beginning, Joe Biden’s life in politics has lurched from success to setback. Victories were followed by unthinkable personal tragedy – he lost his first wife and baby daughter in a car accident in 1972, and his elder son Beau died from brain cancer in 2015.

Self-inflicted wounds crippled two earlier presidential campaigns. And yet he survived – serving 36 years in the Senate and eight years as vice-president in the administration of President Barack Obama – becoming the ultimate political wingman.

Biden’s third run for the White House again began poorly and also looked destined for oblivion, until his remarkable comeback on Super Tuesday.

Now, having defeated Trump, Biden will be the oldest U.S. president in history at his inauguration, at age 78.

As president-elect, he will face enormous pressures to implement a list of priorities on a range of issues from foreign policy to the climate crisis, reversing many of the stark changes implemented by his predecessor.

But Biden’s first and most pressing task for his first 100 days in the White House will be to roll out a new nationwide plan to fight the coronavirus crisis, which has claimed more than 225,000 lives and infected over eight million in the United States – the highest toll anywhere in the world.

PUBLISHED: 08/11/2020; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: AP, Newscom, Getty Images, Office of U.S. Senator Joe Biden, University of Delaware