US Wahl Ergebnis für Kongress
November 5, 2020 -
9.November 2020, 10:40 MEZ LETZTER UPDATE: Joe Biden hat Donld Trump in der US Präsidentenwahl geschlagen. Der Sieg in Pennsylvania und Nevada brachte 26 Wahlmännerstimmen, womit Biden die 270 Marke für den Sieg übertroffen hat. Präsident Trump will seine Niederlage nicht akzeptieren, verspricht rechtliche Schritte gegen die Wahl vorzunehmen.
Biden’s agenda in office may rest on his ability to work with Congress. In the U.S. Senate, Democrats -- with the support of two Independents -- and the Republicans each hold 48 seats in the 100-member Senate. The balance of power will be decided in January when Georgia has double run-off elections for its two seats.
In the House of Representatives, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is on track to keep control but with a shrinking majority. Democrats lead with 211 to 197 seats with less than 30 seats to be declared.