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 Weniger Nachfrage nach Energie infographic
Grafik zeigt die Änderungen im Verbrauch von Primärenergie zwischen 2018 und 2019.


Energienachfrage gibt nach

By Duncan Mil

September 14, 2020 - Primärenergie Verbrauch in der Welt ist im letzten Jahr um 1,3% gestiegen, viel weniger als das 2,8% Wachstum in 2018. Zugenommen hat die Nachfrage nach Erneuerbarer Energie, während Nachfrage nach Kohle zum ersten Mal seit 2015 gesunken ist, berichtet die Ausgabe 2020 der BP Statistical Review of World Energy.

BP has warned of a peak in global oil demand within the next few years. The new review marks a dramatic change from last year when BP expected consumption to grow over the decade before reaching a peak in the 2030s.

The British energy major models three scenarios for the world’s transition to cleaner fuels, all of which involve oil demand falling over the next 30 years.

“Even as the pandemic has dramatically reduced global carbon emissions, the world remains on an unsustainable path,” said Bernard Looney, BP chief executive.

In the “business as usual” case, oil demand rebounds from the coronavirus pandemic then plateaus in the early 2020s, with carbon emissions from energy use in 2050 less than 10 per cent below 2018 levels of 34 billion tonnes.

Two other scenarios model more aggressive policies to tackle climate change. Oil demand never fully recovers, implying 2019 levels of 100 million barrels a day will be the peak for consumption.

Renewable energy, which grew by 12.2 per cent between 2018 and 2019, is the fastest-growing source of power in all the scenarios.

PUBLISHED: 14/09/2020; STORY: Graphic News