Apple Patent “synthetische Gruppenselfies” infographic
Grafik zeigt Apple's Gruppenselfies Anleitung zur Anwendung, die zum Patent angemeldet ist.


Apple spielt mit der Idee von Gruppenselfies

By Ninian Carter

June 9, 2020 - Ein neues Patent von Apple, perfekt für unsere Zeit, ist eine Software,
mit der ein User seine entfernt lebenden Freunde zu Selfies einladen kann, die dann zu einem einzigen Gruppenbild kombiniert werden.

Apple has just won a patent for software that would generate synthetic group selfies which could be a fun way for friends to share moments together even when socially isolated.

The patent, filed on July 11, 2018, but only granted on June 2, 2020, sounds like a perfect fit for Apple's FaceTime video chat application, whereby a user could invite friends to take part in a group selfie. Individuals’ iPhones would then take an image of them, cut them out from the background and combine them and their friends’ images into a single photograph, to look as if they were all together sharing the moment.

The selfie image could then be shared in a way that would allow users to move the subjects around and remake the selfie to their own liking.

The notion of socially-distant selfies seems ideal during a global pandemic that is restricting social gatherings, but when the lockdowns ease and society returns to an albeit new normal, will there still be a demand for it?

As with all patents, there is no guarantee that it will manifest as a real product, but it's easy to imagine it appearing in a future iOS software update. After all, current iPhones already have a feature tucked away in the camera's Portrait setting that allows images of people to be removed from their backgrounds, so technologically, it's not a giant leap.

PUBLISHED: 09/06/2020; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Unsplash