Florence Nightingale 200. Geburtstag infographic
Grafik zeigt die wichtigsten Stationen im Leben von Florence Nightingale.


Florence Nightingale wurde vor 200 Jahren geboren

By Jordi Bou

May 12, 2020 - Florence Nightingale, Begründerin de modernen Krankenpflege, wurde vor 200 Jahren geboren. Ihre Pflege von verwundeten Soldaten und Training von Krankenschwestern im 19. Jahrhundert rettete Leben und verbesserte den Gesundheitszustand von unzähligen Menschen. Heute, in einer Zeit da rund um den Globus die Corona Pandemie bekämpft werden muss, sind ihre Vorschriften zur Krankenpflege und Hygiene so wichtig wie kaum je zuvor.

Florence was born to a wealthy English family on May 12, 1820, in Florence, Italy, and named after the city. She became famous as a result of her innovations in nursing care at Scutari hospital in modern-day Istanbul, where she treated British soldiers wounded in the Crimean War, in which British, French and Ottoman forces fought the Russian Empire.

Every night she would make rounds through the camps, checking on each soldier, a practice that saw her nicknamed the “Lady with the Lamp”.

In a filthy hospital set up in a barracks on the Asian shore of the Bosphorus, she saw thousands of soldiers die from infectious diseases rather than their wounds, prompting her to try and improve conditions.

As a child, Nightingale excelled in mathematics and science, and her father introduced her to a leading practitioner of statistics, then a new academic field. During and after the Crimean War, Nightingale used statistics as a way of proving the effectiveness of different interventions.

She produced her famous “rose” diagrams, which demonstrated the high proportion of deaths caused by disease as opposed to battle wounds. As a result of this work, she became the first woman admitted to the London Statistical Society, in 1858.

By the time Florence Nightingale died, aged 90, in 1910, a revolution in health care had taken place.

PUBLISHED: 02/05/2020; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Newscom, National Portrait Gallery, AP, Getty Images