Altersabhängige Risiken für Covid-19 infographic
Grafik zeigt Analyse der Hospitalisierung und Todesraten von Covid-19 auf dem chinesischen Festland.


Coronavirus Studie zeigt größeres Risiko ab mittlerem Alter

April 1, 2020 - Die erste umfassende Studie zu Schätzungen über Hospitalisierung und Todesraten durch das Coronavirus (Covid-19) am chinesischen Festland zeigt ein beträchtliches Risiko für Patienten mittleren Alters.

The study found that the proportion of deaths from both diagnosed cases and from milder, unconfirmed cases is strongly influenced by age – ranging from 0.0016% in 0 to 9-year-olds to 7.8% for people aged 80 and above.

Differences in hospitalisation rates by age were also reported, with nearly one in five over-80s infected with Covid-19 likely to require hospital care, compared with around 1% of people under 30.

The analysis, published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal, estimated the overall death rate, including unconfirmed cases, at 0.66%. While the figure is lower than some recent estimates for Covid-19, it is still much higher than the 2009 pandemic “swine flu” virus, which was estimated to be fatal in around 0.02% of cases.

The authors note that the data does not separate out the effect of underlying health conditions, which often correlate with age.

PUBLISHED: 01/04/2020; STORY: Graphic News