Delegierte infographic
Grafik zeigt die geschätzte Zahl der Delegierten je Kandidat und die bisher gewonnenen Staaten für das Rennen um einen demokratischen Präsidenten.


Biden erweitert seine Führung vor Sanders

By Jordi Bou

March 11, 2020 - Joe Biden hat wichtige Primary Siege in Michigan und drei weiteren Staaten erreicht, kann damit seine Position als Führender im Rennen
zur Nominierung als demokratischer Präsident einzementieren.

Biden’s wins in Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi and Idaho were powered by a broad coalition of supporters, including women, African Americans, those with and without college degrees, older voters, union members and all but the very liberal, according to exit polls by Edison Research.

Two other states, Washington and North Dakota, were still too close to call, but the results narrowed the path forward for Sanders, 78, who had hoped for an upset win in Michigan to keep his White House hopes alive.

To secure the nomination, a candidate needs the support of 1,991 delegates. Before Tuesday's vote, Mr Biden had 648 to Mr Sanders' 563.

PUBLISHED: 11/03/2020; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images