Interaktive Grafik zeigt Erkrankte, Todesfälle und wieder Gesunde, ausgelöst vom COVID-19 Coronavirus. N.B. This data is updated weekly on a Monday.


Coronavirus Pandemie

By Phil Bainbridge

March 26, 2020 - Länder rund um die Welt bemühen sich, die Pandemie der Lungenkrankheit durch das COVID-19 Virus in den Griff zu bekommen. Das Virus ist zuerst in China Ende letzten Jahres aufgetreten und hat sich bereits weltweit verbreitet.

The number of people around the world who have contracted coronavirus is continuing to surge, with the death toll from the pandemic rising rapidly, as the global outbreak continues to take lives and wreak havoc on economies and established routines of life.

Medical workers and health services around the world are also at breaking point and the livelihoods of millions are at risk amid a widespread shutdown caused by the virus and the damage the viral outbreak is inflicting on the global economy. Layoffs are sure to accelerate as the world sinks into a recession with revenue collapsing at restaurants, hotels, movie theatres, gyms, airlines and numerous other businesses.

PUBLISHED: 01/02/2021; STORY: Graphic News