Demokratische Nominierungen 2020 infographic
Grafik zeigt das Rennen der Demokraten um die maximale Anzahl von Delegierten nach Datum und Zahl der Delegierten je Staat.


Countdown zur Nominierung von Demokraten

By Jordi Bou

July 13, 2020 - July 16, 2020 - Offiziell nominiert die Demokratische Partei ihren Präsidentschaftskandidaten beim Konvent in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Für die Nominierung als Kandidat werden 1.991 Delegierte benötigt.

A series of primaries and caucuses in every U.S. state and territory narrow the field of Democrats running for president until just one gains enough delegates to clinch the nomination in July.

This year, “Super Tuesday,” when 14 states will vote on March 3, could hold more sway.

California is voting three months earlier than in 2016. With Texas already on the Super Tuesday calendar, the switch means the nation’s two most populous states, with a total of 643 delegates – both with large Hispanic populations – will vote on the same day.

If the front-runner ends with fewer than 50% delegates in June, the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee will hold a second ballot where all 771 “superdelegates” will also vote.
A simple majority of all 4,750 delegates is then needed to secure the nomination.

After inching past Iowa, negotiated New Hampshire, survived Super Tuesday and come through the convention, there is only one step left for the nominee: the presidential election, on November 3.

PUBLISHED: 17/02/2020; STORY: Graphic News