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 Buschfeuer werden wieder stärker infographic
Grafik zeigt Details der Buschbrände im Südosten Australiens.


Australier verlassen ihre Häuser, Hitze und Wind erhöhen die Brandgefahr

January 10, 2020 - Australiens Behörden drängen fast eine Viertelmillion Bewohner ihre Häuser und Wohnungen zu verlassen, da Hitze und Wind an der Ostküste die Feuer immer wieder neu entfachen.

The danger is centred on New South Wales and Victoria, Australia’s most populous states, where temperatures and wind speeds are escalating after a few days of relatively benign conditions.

Authorities sent emergency texts to 240,000 people in Victoria on Friday, telling them to leave. People in high-risk regions in New South Wales and South Australia were also urged to think about leaving, but officials did not say how many, Reuters said.

Since October, 27 people have been killed and thousands forced to flee as huge bushfires scorched more than 10.3 million hectares of land across Australia, or an area the size of South Korea.

PUBLISHED: 13/01/2020; STORY: Graphic News