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Kroatien: Stichwahl zur Präsidentschaft am 5. Januar

December 23, 2019 - Der frühere kroatische Premierminister, Zoran Milanovic, trifft auf die amtierende Präsidentin Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic in der Stichwahl am 5. Januar. Keiner der beiden Spitzenkandidaten konnte bei der Wahl eine Mehrheit für sich entscheiden.

The vote was held just days before Croatia takes over the European Union’s presidency for the first time. The governing conservatives are hoping to keep their grip on power ahead of assuming the EU chairmanship.

Left-wing former Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic led the field with nearly 30% of the votes in preliminary returns. President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic had almost 27%, the state election authorities said after counting almost all ballots.

Right-wing singer Miroslav Skoro was in third place with around 24%.

Some 3.8 million voters in the EU’s newest member country chose from among 11 candidates in Sunday's election, but only the top three finishers had been considered serious contenders.

PUBLISHED: 23/12/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images