Angriffe auf Saudi Öl "kamen von Norden" infographic
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Laut US kamen die Angriffe auf Saudi Ölanlagen aus dem Norden

December 20, 2019 - Ein neuer US Bericht stelt fest, dass der Angriff auf die beidne Saudi Ölraffinerien im September aus dem Norden kamen und die Drohnen Ähnlichkeit mit jenen des Iran hatten.

The U.S. analysis said that before hitting its targets, one of the drones traversed a location approximately 200 km to the northwest of the attack site.

“This, in combination with the assessed 900km maximum range of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), indicates with high likelihood that the attack originated north of Abqaiq,” the interim report said, referring to the location of one of the Saudi oil facilities that were hit in the September 14 raid.

It added that the United States had identified several similarities between the drones used in the attack and an Iranian unmanned aircraft known as the IRN-05 UAV.

However, the report noted that the analysis of weapons debris did not definitely reveal the origin of the strike that initially knocked out half of Saudi Arabia’s oil production.

PUBLISHED: 22/12/2019; STORY: Graphic News