China plant neue Kohlekraftwerke infographic
Grafik zeigt Details der Kohlekraftwerke in Betrieb und die Pläne Chinas für den Bau von neuen Kraftwerken.


China will viele neue Kohlekraftwerke bauen

December 2, 2019 - China, weltgrößter Emittent von Treibhausgasen, baut weitere Kohlekraftwerke und bewilligt Kohleabbau in neuen Minen, um die schwächelnde Wirtschaft wieder anzukurbeln.

China burns about half the coal used globally each year. Between 2000 and 2018, its annual carbon emissions nearly tripled, and it now accounts for about 30 percent of the world’s total.

Recent media reports and satellite images suggest that China is building or planning to complete new coal power plants with total capacity of 148 gigawatts – nearly equal to the entire coal-power capacity of the European Union within the next few years, according to an analysis by Global Energy Monitor, a San Francisco-based nonprofit group.

PUBLISHED: 02/12/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Associated Press