Russlands schwimmender Atomreaktor geht in Kürze in Betrieb
October 1, 2019 -
Russlands erster schwimmender Atomreaktor, der Akademik Lomonosov, von Umweltschützern mit "Tschernobyl auf dem Eis" tituliert, bereitet sich auf den Betrieb in der östlichen Arktis vor.
The Akademik Lomonosov is a 140-metre-long towed platform that carries two 35-megawatt nuclear reactors. Moored at the Arctic port of Pevek on the Chukotka Peninsula, the vessel’s purpose is to provide power for the area, replacing the Bilibino nuclear power plant that is being decommissioned.
Environmentalists have criticised the project as inherently dangerous and a threat to the pristine Arctic region. Russia’s state nuclear corporation Rosatom has dismissed those concerns, insisting that the floating nuclear plant is safe to operate.