Geheimnis um Salvator Mundi infographic
Grafik beleuchtet die erstaunliche Geschichte des Gemäldes, seine dramatische Restaurierung, den Verkauf und mutmaßlich derzeitigen Aufenthaltsort.


Teuerstes Gemälde der Welt fährt zur See

By Ninian Carter

June 12, 2019 - August 17, 2021 - “Der verlorene Leonardo”, ein Dokumentarfilm des dänischen Filmproduzenten Andreas Koefoed, verfolgt die unglaubliche Geschichte von Salvator Mundi – ein 500-Jahre altes Gemälde von Jesus Christus, das Leonardo da Vinci zugeschrieben wird, allerdings nach wie vor umstritten seit es 2005 in New Orleans aufgetaucht ist.

The whereabouts of the believed Leonardo Da Vinci masterpiece that sold at auction in 2017 for a record $450 million, has been solved, according to Artnet.

“Salvator Mundi” is allegedly aboard superyacht Serene, owned by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. As of late May, the yacht’s location was in the Red Sea off Sharm el-Sheikh, an Egyptian resort town.

It seems likely that the controversial painting, that has experts at cross-purposes as to its authenticity, will remain aboard the yacht until the Saudis create a planned cultural hub in the Kingdom’s Al-Ula region.

Experts at the Louvre in Paris have attributed the work to Da Vinci’s workshop, rather than to the artist alone. The museum has asked to borrow the work for an October exhibition of da Vinci’s work to mark 500 years since his death, but has been declined – possibly because they refuse to authenticate it as an autograph work.

PUBLISHED: 17/08/2021; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images