Schlechter Geruchsinn  infographic
Grafik zeigt Details des Riechtests durch Forscher der Michigan State University.


Schlechter Geruchsinn sagt frühen Tod voraus

April 30, 2019 - Ein einfacher Kratz- und Riechtest kann schlechtes Riechvermögen bei Älteren aufdecken und die Wahrscheinlichkeit innerhalb von zehn Jahren zu sterben anzeigen. Die Gründe dafür sind nicht ganz klar.

To investigate, Honglei Chen, an epidemiologist at Michigan State University who’s focused his research on this sensory deficit in older adults, analysed data from more than 2000 people aged 71 to 82.

A new study, published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, suggests that older adults with a poor sense of smell may see an almost 50% increase in their risk of dying within ten years.

“Poor sense of smell becomes more common as people age, and there's a link to a higher risk for death,” said Chen. “Our study is the first to look at the potential reasons why it predicts higher mortality.”

Using data from the National Institute on Aging’s Health ABC study, Chen and his research team reviewed information from 2,289 participants between 71 and 82 years old over 13 years. Participants included men and women, black and white, who completed a smell test of 12 common odours. Researchers then classified participants as having a good, moderate or reduced sense of smell.

Compared with older adults with a good sense of smell, those with bad smell were at a 46% higher risk for death at ten years and 30% at 13 years.

PUBLISHED: 30/04/2019; STORY: Graphic News