Sri Lanka Bomben infographic
Grafik zeigt die Orte auf Sri Lanka, wo sich die Anschläge ereigneten.


Hunderte Tote am Ostersonntag in Sri Lanka

By Duncan Mil

April 21, 2019 - Bombenexplosionen in drei Kirchen und drei Luxushotels in Sri Lanka töteten mehr als 200 Personen (Stand 14.00 Uhr), Hunderte wurden

An official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said more than 60 people had been killed in St. Sebastian’s in Katuwapitiya, north of Colombo, while at least 45 people died in Colombo, where three hotels and a church were hit.

A further 25 people were also killed in an attack on the Zion Church in Batticaloa in Eastern Province.

The seventh blast at a hotel in the southern Colombo suburb of Dehiwala killed at least two people. There were no immediate claims of responsibility.

Around 7.6 per cent of mainly Buddhist Sri Lanka is Catholic, but the religion is seen as a unifying force because it includes both Tamil and majority Sinhalese ethnic groups.

PUBLISHED: 21/04/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images