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 Candida auris Infektionen weite Verbreitung infographic
Grafik zeigt die Ausbreitung der Pilzinfektion, Länder mit starker Ausbreitung des Pathogens werden besonders hervorgehoben.


Die globale Verbreitung von Candida auris

April 8, 2019 - Candida auris ist ein Hefepilz. Die Infektion befällt meist Personen mit geschwächtem Immunsystem, vor allem in Krankenhäusern. Rund um den Globus nimmt die Verbreitung zu.

Healthcare units in several countries are reporting a type of yeast called Candida auris is causing severe illness in hospitalised patients. In some people, the yeast can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, causing serious infections.

Oftentimes the yeast does not respond to commonly used antifungal treatments, making infections difficult to deal with.

Patients who have been hospitalised for a long time and have catheters or other lines and tubes entering their bodies, or those that have previously received antibiotics or antifungal medications, appear to be at highest risk of infection.

Special laboratory methods are needed to accurately identify C. auris as conventional lab techniques can lead to misidentification – making it difficult to control the spread of the fungus within hospitals.

PUBLISHED: 08/04/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Associated Press