Trump-Kim Gipfeltreffen in Hanoi infographic
Grafik sieht hinter die Kulissen, warum man sich für Hanoi als Ort des Gipfeltreffens entschieden hat.


Warum Vietnam für den zweiten Gipfel Trump-Kim?

February 27, 2019 - February 28, 2019 - Vietnam, ein kommunistisches Land mit Hang zum Kapitalismus, lädt zum zweiten Gipfeltreffen zwischen US Präsident Donald Trump und Nordkoreas Kim Jong-un ein.

Washington’s goal for the Feb. 27-28 talks is for North Korea to agree give up its nuclear weapons. North Korea frames the issue more broadly, seeking a removal of the “nuclear threat” from U.S. military forces in South Korea.

Host Vietnam hopes to boost its diplomatic leverage against its powerful neighbour, China, which contests waters in the South China Sea claimed by Vietnam.

But Vietnam’s history as a U.S. adversary that transitioned on its own terms to a dynamic free-market economy under a communist political system suggests a larger meaning for the summit.

PUBLISHED: 12/02/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images