Geheime Raketenstützpunkte infographic
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US Analysten entdecken geheime Raketenstützpunkte in Nordkorea

November 13, 2018 - US Analysten haben zwischen 13 und 20 nicht-deklarierte Anlagen in Nordkorea identifiziert, wo mobile, nuklear-fähige Raketen versteckt sind, ungeachtet der vereinbarten Entnuklearisierung mit Pjöngjang.

The ballistic missile operating bases are small, dispersed throughout North Korea, and, with few exceptions, located in narrow mountain valleys, according to a report by researchers at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Although the sites are not launch facilities and in some cases are rudimentary, the authors of the report say they are hidden and illustrate the scope of the North’s weapons programme and the country’s determination to conceal its military might.

The findings were based on satellite imagery, and interviews with defectors and intelligence and government officials, according to a report by the AFP news agency.

PUBLISHED: 14/11/2018; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Other