Die Zeit für Sony’s PlayStation 2 ist abgelaufen infographic
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Erinnerung an die PlayStation 2

September 5, 2018 - Sonys PlayStation 2 ist die erfolgreichste Spielkonsole der Welt mit 158 Millionen verkauften Stück. Aber jetzt teilt Sony mit, dass Reparaturen nicht länger möglich sind, das Ersatzteillager ist leer – Sony stoppte 2012 die Herstellung der Maschine.

Sony has closed its repair service for the PlayStation 2, 18 years after it first went on sale in Japan. It remains the best-selling games console ever produced, despite manufacturing ending in 2012.

Sony said it was running out of replacement parts for the ageing machine and could no longer offer repairs.

Almost 160 million PlayStation 2 consoles have been sold worldwide since its launch in 2000. The latest model, the PS4, sold about 80 million units while rival console-maker Microsoft is estimated to have sold around 40 million XBox One units – although it no longer officially reports XBox sales figures.

PUBLISHED: 06/09/2018; STORY: Graphic News