Globale Todesfälle, die Alkoholkonsum zugeschrieben werden infographic
Grafik zeigt die Zahl der Todesfälle (Männer und Frauen) durch Alkoholkonsum, nach Nationen.


2016 Alkoholabhängige Todesfälle

August 24, 2018 - Alkoholkonsum ist 2016 für knapp einen von 10 Todesfällen verantwortlich. So das Ergebnis eines Berichtes im The Lancet, der von der Bill & Melinda Gates Stiftung in Auftrag gegeben wurde.

The study finds there is no level of alcohol consumption that is safe for your overall health.

Alcohol was the leading risk factor for disease and premature death in men and women between the ages of 15 and 49 worldwide in 2016, accounting for nearly one in 10 deaths, according to analysis of 2016 global alcohol consumption and disease risks.

Across all ages, alcohol was associated with 2.8 million deaths in 2016, including alcohol-related cancer and cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases (like tuberculosis), intentional injury (violence and self-harm), traffic accidents, and other mishaps such as drowning and fires.

PUBLISHED: 24/08/2018; STORY: Graphic News